Hand Torque Multiplier

Remote Power

Pipelines that stretch across miles and miles of vast open, remote land transporting liquids and gases require maintenance. Deep below the surface in an underground mining operation, large industrial vehicles or tools require routine maintenance. The large bolts used to securely join sections of pipes and valves together or used with mining vehicles require torque…

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Tool Balancers

Tool Balancers Provide Easy Handling and Comfort

In a manufacturing workstation, having a clean, organized and ergonomic work area enhances productivity and improves the assembly time and process. Safety at the workstation is a key aspect that managers need to review on a continuous ongoing basis. Exposure to high forces, awkward postures, lifting, and repetition are some common activities that can performed…

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Preset Torque Screwdriver

Preset Torque Screwdrivers

A preset torque screwdriver is similar to a person setting an alarm clock to signal the achievement of a selected time. The torque screwdriver is pre-set to the required torque value of the application and then the tool signals the operator when torque is achieved. A preset torque screwdriver does not feature an external adjustment…

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Verify and Validate the Torque Output of a Pulse Tool

Built for high production environments, FlexPower pulse tools provide durability, power and speed for most industrial assembly applications. To maintain consistent accuracy, the torque output for pulse tools must be verified periodically. You should also validate the actual torque being applied to the fastener by auditing the joint application. The goal for auditing is to…

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Slot Machine Fabrication with Torque Tools

Torque Control Takes the Gamble Out of Slot Machine Fabrication

Quality and reliability form the foundation upon which new companies build their futures and stake their reputations. As consumers, we are largely unaware of the painstaking pre-production steps and choices that companies make in order to develop products and assure their reliability. One of the most challenging steps that face these fledgling manufacturers is the…

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