torque sensor testing break-over wrench

Using a Torque Sensor to Keep Your Tools Calibrated

In “The Twits,” a short story by Roald Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. Twit, a disagreeable older married couple, play a series of nasty pranks on each other. One of these tricks is particularly illuminating for manufacturers and repair shops relying on torque tools to properly assemble products or handle maintenance jobs. To get back at…

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Automated control systems help you track production data.

Collecting Production Data Improves Quality Assurance

If you know something’s broken, you can fix it. But if you know how something got broken, then you can prevent it—and anything like it—from breaking in the first place. Which would you rather be able to do? In the assembly world, ideally, pieces in production don’t break at all. But, inevitably, they will and…

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Using the right assembly tools can make a big difference in production.

Finding the Right Assembly Tools for Your Production Line

Without the right assembly tools, you don’t have a production line. It’s the tools, after all, that allow your workers to assemble the pieces into a product. That doesn’t mean that finding the right tools is easy, though; each product is different, each factory is different, and there are hundreds of different tool options. How…

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When it comes to event lighting and sound, proper torque control is essential.

Torque Tools Ensure Safe Event Lighting and Sound Setup

When Van Halen toured, they included in their contract a singular technical demand: bowls of M&M’s backstage, with all the brown ones removed. Rock star arrogance and capriciousness? Actually, no. The shows they put on were complex and technical, involving excessively heavy staging and sometimes explosive pyrotechnics. So when David Lee Roth would find brown…

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Torque testers and torque sensors allow you to measure torque output from robotic drivers.

How to Measure Torque Output from Robotic Tool Drivers

Robots are known for repeatability. Programmed to perform mathematically-defined actions, as opposed to the associative actions taken by human operators, they will make nearly identical motions, over and over, for as long as they’re running. At least, that’s how the story goes on paper. In the real world, parts wear due to friction, lubrication dries…

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ulse drivers are an excellent choice for aircraft repair work.

When Pulse Drivers Are the Best Tool for the Job

Can you open a can with a hammer? Sure. But it would probably be easier with a can opener. Special jobs take special tools; using the right tool for your job saves effort and increases productivity. In the business world, specifically in manufacturing or equipment service and repair, saving effort and increasing productivity means lowering…

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