how to use a torque multiplier

How to Use a Torque Multiplier: From Beginners to Pros

Ever heard the old maxim, “Work smart, not hard”? In my experience, this saying is definitely true when it comes to tightening and loosening heavy-duty bolts and other fasteners. Under normal circumstances, it can be grueling work, requiring various amounts of elbow grease. You have to tighten the bolt sufficiently to keep parts from moving…

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Aviation Click Wrench

Aviation Click Wrench Selected for Helicopter Maintenance

Across the world, twelve ton jets ascend to our skies hourly transporting our colleagues, our friends and our families. Helicopters maneuver the skies to provide traffic reports, medical evacuations, rescue operations and tourist excursions. Safety is key for any helicopter and airplane that fly across the skies. At the forefront of ensuring aircraft safety is…

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Segment Arms by Mountz

Calibration Guide for Torque Testers & Sensors

A torque analyzer or a torque sensor are a finely tuned instrument designed for testing and monitoring torque applications. Designed for torque evaluation and verification, a torque analyzer and sensor are a laboratory grade instruments commonly used for quality control, R&D and calibration applications. In order to maintain accuracy, it is crucial that torque measuring equipment…

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Torque Automation Systems

Assembly automation is making large strides forward due to rapid advances in torque and fastening technology. Torque control systems are expediting all aspects of the automation process from installing error-proofing disciplines to the implementation of adaptive fastening strategies. Manufacturing automation is about tailoring and integrating a diversity of torque control technologies to enable an effective,…

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Demystifying Torque: What You Should Know

To many manufacturers, the concept of torque is a mystery. Ask them to describe the physics of torque and you’ll likely meet a blank stare. Cracking open a dictionary won’t help much either. To the layman the definition reads like a foreign language that owes more to mysticism than science. Despite the confusion, proper control…

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Adjustable Torque Screwdriver - Mountz

Accurate Torque Control with an Adjustable Torque Screwdriver

Field service and maintenance fastening applications often require a tool that delivers both torque control and the flexibility to easily adjust to different torque values. The Micro Torque screwdriver is an externally adjustable torque tool that offers different setting options for applications that require more than one torque value. The adjustable torque screwdriver features an…

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