Every year at this time, I remind my family and our family of Mountz employees how much I love Thanksgiving. I’m sure they are tired of hearing it, but it’s true – I love Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving to me means family, something near and dear to most everyone. Our kids come home from college more thankful than when they left. If you’ve had a chance to work a church event or soup kitchen at Thanksgiving it humbles you and provides a feeling of how lucky we are to have a warm home, quality food to eat and a family to cherish. This kind of reflection feels good to me.
Thanksgiving always causes me to hit the pause button and remind myself and anyone who will listen that to be thankful for what we have is more fulfilling than recounting what we may want. At Mountz we want things, like any company. However, what we have is a great resume of customers, vendors and employees to whom we owe a huge gratitude of thanks.
William Shakespeare said it best, “O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.”
Happy Thanksgiving.
Brad Mountz
Mountz Inc.
Happy Thanksging Brad & Family!!!
If you are a christian you should already know who to give thanks too. At this time of the year we most always give thanks for the good food, as you mention in this blog we should give thanks to everything we have been given, and who give it to us.
I think people should give thanks every day for what the good Lord has given them.
I have recently lost another loved one that I have been witnessing to over the past year. Only seeing him a few times a month. Sometimes we do not know we have it so good until something like this happens in your life.
Having food on the table, a good job, a place to call home and family to share it is such a blessing from God. Please take time to tell your family members you love them and mean it from your heart.
God Bless each and everyone who reads this blog and remember to GIVE THANKS, because if you are reading this you are truly blessed as some do not have this opportunity. GOD Bless you all.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy holidays to you and yours! Thank you for providing me with employment and allowing me an avenue to support my self and my family.
Tom Ryan
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I too look forward to thanksgiving. It’s one of the holidays where my entire family gathers around the table and shares reasons for being thankful. With everyone living their own busy lives, it’s hard to gather up and simply enjoy each others’ company.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
It is a point of reflection to everyone to realized how lucky we are to have a united family, and see all your loved ones on this special days
Enjoy the Holidays & Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
hello Brad and family and members of the Mountz clan. It is a blessing to be alive, heathly, and working. Everything else is icing on the cake.
May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.
God bless the USA