Collect and Save Torque Test Data

How to Collect & Export Torque Test Data with a EZ-TorQ III Torque Analyzer

Regular tool calibration and torque testing processes ensure repeatable accuracy and adherence to international standards. With its easy-to-use touch-screen interface, the Mountz EZ-TorQ III torque analyzer provides quick and easy torque tool validation and calibration. The torque tester allows a user to capture and store the torque readings. Data is stored on an SD card…

Torque Measurement Tolerance Setting

How to Set-Up Torque Test Tolerance Setting with EZ-TorQ III Torque Analyzer

When testing the torque calibration of a tool, you can set up a target for the tool along with the tolerance percentage of that torque setting. The EZ-TorQ III torque analyzer’s touchscreen interface makes it simple and easy to set up torque testing parameters for a tool. Regular quality control programs like tool calibration and…

Torque Verification Webinar

Mountz Torque Video Webinar: Learn How to Identify When a Torque Tool is Falling Out of Calibration

Mountz, The Torque Tool Specialists®, hosted a torque webinar regarding nagging quality issues that manufacturers look to resolve daily or weekly. How to detect when a tool starts to drift out of calibration? Every industry which relies on torque tools do so for the same reason: accuracy and repeatability matters.  Whether it’s in a ventilator,…

EZ-TorQ III Torque Verification Tool

Why Torque Verification is Necessary for Assembly Power Tools

There are no hard and fast answers to this question since there are several points to consider. These include the frequency of use, general care, ambient conditions, and the torque setting of the power tool. The type of fastening process must be considered as well. An airplane assembly company may undergo rigorous daily testing whereas…

Torque Wrench Calibration

A Quality Torque Wrench Calibration Service Can Make All the Difference—Here’s How

Precise torque control is absolutely vital in assembly and repair. Screws, bolts, and nuts must hold in place as machinery starts up, vibrates, and experiences forces from different directions. Whether these fasteners hold is determined by the torque that is applied to them. If it is too little, then vibrations can easily loosen a fastener.…

Using the right torque wrench calibration tools improves product quality.

Don’t Get Hit with Costly Product Failures: Use Torque Wrench Calibration Tools

Improving your process improves your profitability. In assembly, accurate torque tools enable companies to tighten their fasteners correctly, preventing product failures on the line and after delivery. If torque tools slip out of calibration, however, that may affect production. By developing a calibration plan and investing in the right tools to carry it out, companies…