Adjustable Torque Screwdriver Prevents a Fastener From Being Under and Over Tightened

The Ergo Micro Torque Screwdriver is an externally adjustable tool that offers different setting options for applications that require more than one torque value. The adjustable screwdriver does feature an external adjustment scale, which allows for an operator to adjust the torque setting as needed for the application. The EMT is ideal for field service…

SEMS Fasteners

Boost Speed & Efficiency with SEMs Fasteners

If you want to boost the speed and efficiency of your assembly processes, you should look into SEMS, or “pre-asSEMbled” fasteners. These handy devices combine the screw and the washer into a single component, eliminating the need to match the right items up and slip the washer into place by hand. It also simplifies your…

TSN Cam-Over Torque Wrenches

Cam-Over Torque Wrench Prevents Over-Torque Conditions

TSN cam-over torque wrenches are designed to provide reliable and precise torque control for bolting applications that do not tolerate over-torque conditions. Improper torque control increases manufacturing costs and delays. Using cam-over wrench removes the operator influence out of the fastening process and offers precision and repeatable torque results. A standard click wrench cannot ensure…

Position Control Torque Arms

Ensure Screws are Correctly Tightened in the Correct Sequence with Position Control Torque Arm

The EZ-Glider Position Control torque arms by Mountz Inc. help manufacturers detect and eliminate costly screw-fastening errors during the assembly process. Position Control torque arms are designed to reduce the risk of improperly fastened screws, ensuring that every screw is in the correctly tightened in the correct sequence. Using the EZ-Glider Position Control torque arm is…

Torque Wrench Calibration System

Torque Wrench Calibration with a Mechanical Torque Wrench Loader

The Loading Bench by Mountz Inc. is a laboratory grade instrument designed to enable accurate torque wrench calibration with less physical effort. The Loading Bench simulates torque application conditions with minimum effort and enhanced safety for the calibration technician assuring a more accurate calibration. The calibration instrument enables quick and easy torque wrench calibration and…