Mini MDT-Series Transducerized Smart Corded Electric Screwdriver System

Accelerate the Manufacturing Process for Micro Torque Fastening Applications

Manufacturing high-volume products—such as microelectronics, medical devices, or appliances—requires speed and precision. After all, hundreds of thousands of identical products have to be assembled and fastened correctly with mini screws, in as little time as possible. Mountz’s Mini MDT-Series transducerized smart screwdriver systems provide manufacturers with the latest micro torque fastening system with error-proofing technology…

ESD Torque Screwdrivers

Preventing Electrostatic Discharge in Manufacturing Environments

The manufacturing landscape is a realm of intricate processes where precision and attention to detail are paramount. In this environment, the imperceptible threat of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can wreak havoc on product integrity and reliability. The article explores the significance of choosing anti-static production torque tools, delving deeper into the nuances of ESD, its potential…

Torque Testing Tools

How to Create a Torque Verification Plan and Schedule

Manufacturing companies globally that use fasteners, bolts, and nuts must ensure their torque process and quality standards comply with international standards, like ISO. Establishing quality guidelines comes down to developing a detailed manufacturing process control and executing it with quality assembly torque tools capable of meeting specifications, along with verifying the tools, the process, and…

4 Methods to Reduce Scrap and Rework in Your Manufacturing Process

4 Methods to Reduce Scrap and Rework in Your Manufacturing Process

Manufacturers experiencing excessive scrap-causing mistakes is a signal of an assembly process control issue. How can engineers and quality teams actively work to reduce the amount of scrap generated from a poor fastening process? Manufacturers can minimize and eliminate waste and improve operations processes with a process improvement initiative. Advances in torque fastening technology are…

Mountz Torque Sensors

What is a Rotary Torque Sensor?

Measuring dynamic torque requires a solution that evaluates both the power tool’s performance and the fastening joint application. A rotary torque sensor is used mainly to measure the torque output of power tools, including electric, pulse, and continuous pneumatic tools. Rotary torque sensors are mounted in line with the tool’s drive. It’s an instrument that quickly…

Torque Control

Torque 101: An Introductory Guide for Torque Control

Lack of torque control has caused vehicle wheel detachment, failures of life-saving medical instruments, and malfunctions of electronic devices. Engineers risk product failures and escalating scrap rate costs in their manufacturing process without torque control. To many manufacturers, understanding the various elements of torque control needs to be more noticed and understood. Manufacturers must have…

Industrial Click Wrenches

Tips for Selecting a Preset or Adjustable Click Wrench

There are various “Preset” and “Adjustable” click wrenches, but selecting the correct industrial click wrench for your application depends on your process requirements. Preset click wrenches are ideal for production applications where consistent torque is critical. Adjustable click wrenches are suitable for fastening applications where quick torque setting adjustments are necessary for fasteners of different…

Measuring Torque with a Torque Analyzer

Learn How to Collect and Analyze Torque Measurement Data

Torque measurement processes generate vast amounts of data that provide valuable information to aid manufacturers. Torque data collection allows engineers to make more intelligent process decisions to minimize quality failures and maximize productivity. Collecting and analyzing torque testing data gives manufacturers valuable insights into their production processes. Test data in a centralized database allows manufacturers to…

5 Ways to Improve Process Efficiency with Fastening Automation Workflows

Five Ways to Improve Process Control with Fastening Automation Workflows

Is lost productivity impacting your manufacturing output? Repetitive fastening tasks managed across multiple workstations, tools, and assembly operators is an opportunity to improve process efficiency. Implementing a fastening automation workflow allows engineers to bridge the productivity gap. Grouping similar processes and assigning standardized tightening tasks allows manufacturers to streamline the assembly productivity process and remove…

ISO Calibration Labs

How to Check if a Torque Tools Manufacturer or Service Center is ISO Certified

The difference is quality. Companies invest in torque tools to improve their products’ quality. Using torque tools, manufacturers and service professionals can ensure that each fastener they touch will not fail due to being too loose or tight. Often, a company’s reputation and market share depend on the reliability of its products. Human lives depend on…