Mountz Torque Sensors

What is a Rotary Torque Sensor?

Measuring dynamic torque requires a solution that evaluates both the power tool’s performance and the fastening joint application. A rotary torque sensor is used mainly to measure the torque output of power tools, including electric, pulse, and continuous pneumatic tools. Rotary torque sensors are mounted in line with the tool’s drive. It’s an instrument that quickly…

How to Calibrate a Torque Wrench and Screwdriver

Calibrating a Torque Wrench with a Loading Bench

The Mountz Loading Bench is a user-friendly, laboratory-grade instrument that facilitates accurate torque wrench calibration with minimal physical effort. It simulates torque application conditions with ease and enhanced safety, ensuring a more accurate calibration. It enables quick and easy torque wrench calibration and presetting, independent of human influence or transducer side and end load factors. The…

Measuring Micro Torque With a Low Torque Sensor

The MTX is a precision-engineered micro-torque sensor designed for calibrating and testing small hand screwdrivers, torque wrenches, and power tools. Its low-profile design allows for versatile use, including testing automation and robotic fastening applications. When used in conjunction with a torque tester, these MTX torque sensors provide reliable and accurate results. The torque sensor is…