FG-IFR (Impact Free Resetting) preset screwdriver

Torque Screwdriver for Vibration Sensitive Fastening Applications

Mountz FG-IFR (Impact Free Resetting) preset screwdrivers use a cam-over mechanism to improve process control and productivity. The unique IFR cam over design provides a low-impact reset mechanism, ideal for assembling shock-sensitive components that reduce the vibration transmitted in the screw tightening process—ideal for fastening delicate parts such as electronics, plastics, and medical devices. Torque…


Torque Screwdriver Improves Process Control for Maintenance & Refurbishing Fastening Applications

Mountz Torque FG -OWC (one-way clutch) torque screwdrivers use a one-way torque clutch system designed to apply torque in one direction and remain positive in the opposite direction, which allows the tool to be used for easy screw removal. Torque range suitable for micro, low, and medium torque applications. The FG-OWC screwdriver is an ideal…

Effective Maintenance of Farm Tools and Equipment With Modern Torque Control

Modern farming is a capital-intensive industry. The large machines that family farms and corporate farming operations employ to seed, weed, tend, and harvest can represent sizeable portions of multiple years worth of revenue. In order for the farm to succeed, these tractors, combines, harvesters, and other large pieces of equipment must do enough work to…

Soft-stop electric torque screwdrivers are ideal for working with plastic assembly fasteners.

Protecting Plastic Assembly Fasteners for Appliances with Soft-Stop Electric Torque Screwdrivers

Modern appliance manufacturers must work continuously to improve the efficiency of their operations in the face of stiff competition domestically and abroad. Producing household or commercial appliances—like dishwashers, washing machines, or televisions—requires a faster pace and greater accuracy than ever to meet the market’s demands for speed and volume. At the same time, lightweight, inexpensive…