Mini MDT-Series Transducerized Smart Corded Electric Screwdriver System

Accelerate the Manufacturing Process for Micro Torque Fastening Applications

Manufacturing high-volume products—such as microelectronics, medical devices, or appliances—requires speed and precision. After all, hundreds of thousands of identical products have to be assembled and fastened correctly with mini screws, in as little time as possible. Mountz’s Mini MDT-Series transducerized smart screwdriver systems provide manufacturers with the latest micro torque fastening system with error-proofing technology…

Mountz FG Cleanroom Torque Screwdrivers

Mountz Introduces the New FG Cleanroom Screwdriver

Mountz, the torque tool specialist®, introduces the next-generation cleanroom torque screwdriver. Engineered and assembled in Silicon Valley, the new Mountz FG line of precision adjustable torque screwdrivers are the most advanced hand tools for high-level process and quality control. The FG cleanroom tool is an expansion of the Mountz FG hand torque tool brand engineered…

4 Methods to Reduce Scrap and Rework in Your Manufacturing Process

4 Methods to Reduce Scrap and Rework in Your Manufacturing Process

Manufacturers experiencing excessive scrap-causing mistakes is a signal of an assembly process control issue. How can engineers and quality teams actively work to reduce the amount of scrap generated from a poor fastening process? Manufacturers can minimize and eliminate waste and improve operations processes with a process improvement initiative. Advances in torque fastening technology are…

5 Ways to Improve Process Efficiency with Fastening Automation Workflows

Five Ways to Improve Process Control with Fastening Automation Workflows

Is lost productivity impacting your manufacturing output? Repetitive fastening tasks managed across multiple workstations, tools, and assembly operators is an opportunity to improve process efficiency. Implementing a fastening automation workflow allows engineers to bridge the productivity gap. Grouping similar processes and assigning standardized tightening tasks allows manufacturers to streamline the assembly productivity process and remove…

Smart Electric Screwdriver System

How a Smart Fastening System Improves Production Output

Whether you’re a production line manager or quality manager, improving your production is a constant project. That means finding cost-effective ways to increase speed and decrease lost products. When you’re working with products that are held together with threaded fasteners, managers often find room for improvement with their fastening systems. That doesn’t necessarily mean shutting…

Scout Screw Counter

Improve Production Quality by Implementing a Screw Counting Process

Fastening regimes with multiple screws are susceptible to fastening failures such as cross-threading, cam-outs, stripped screws, omissions, and unfinished rundowns. A screw counting process is an error-prevention technique that allows an engineer to detect and eliminate costly screw-fastening errors during the assembly process. Monitoring the fastening process allows production managers to correct fastening errors rather…

Error Preventions tools for Automotive Manufacturer

Automotive HVAC Manufacturer Implements Error Prevention Tools for Process Optimization

At their United Kingdom facility in Whales, an engineering team sought a tooling solution to resolve an ongoing risk with some fastening applications. The project was for AC units that they produce for Volvo automobiles. They were interested in a power tool to enhance the process reliability and production efficiency to prevent product defects and…

Position Control Torque Arms

How to Ensure Screws are Fastened in the Correct Tightening Sequence

Did you know that an incorrect screw fastening sequence can provide unreliable results? The wrong sequence could cause manufacturing failures and add additional rework expenses. Joint relaxation occurs to some extent in all fastened joints and is a problem in joints where gaskets, or parts such as spring washers and plastics, are utilized. It can…

Torque Wrenches

Guide for Selecting a Precision Torque Wrench to Improve Process Control

In any application where the fastening of bolts and screws is critical—which includes aerospace, automotive, medical device, electronics, and packaging industries, to name a few—businesses depend on torque tools to deliver the precise amount of force necessary to hold a fastener in place indefinitely. Whether you’re in manufacturing or maintenance, the most important attributes your…