Stop the Invisible ESD Menace with ESD Safe Torque Screwdrivers

ESD is a nagging invisible menace that plagues manufacturers producing microelectronics products. A lack of ESD management will deliver costly consequences that impact quality and the bottom line. Avoiding electrostatic discharge (ESD) on the manufacturing floor is an ongoing challenge for engineers. Developing procedures to control ESD and selecting ESD safe torque tools will prevent…

LF-Series Brushless Electric Screwdriver

Benefits of an Economical Brushless Electric Screwdriver

Durable, economical and precision torque control are three key benefits for any manufacturer that uses electric screwdrivers in a high volume production facility. The repetitive process of fastening many, many screws hourly and daily demands a high performance assembly tool. For low torque assembly applications, accuracy is essential for preventing damaged products or reliability failures.…

Preset Click Wrenches

Operating a Preset Click Wrench Efficiently

Manufacturers that manually tighten fasteners and require one consistent torque value have two basic obstacles to overcome. First, implement a torque tool that securely prevents an operator from either incidentally or intentionally tamper with a tool’s torque setting. Secondly, train the operator to properly use the tool correctly to help ensure the desired torque output…

Adjustable Click Wrench

Fastening with an Adjustable Click Wrench

Selecting a durable and reliable click wrench for a fastening application is an important decision. For field service and maintenance applications, the ability to quickly and accurately adjust the torque setting on the wrench is a critical element for any technician. The EPT is an adjustable click wrench that provides different setting options for applications…