FG Preset Torque Screwdrivers

Precision Torque Screwdriver for ESD safe environment

Designed for an ESD-safe environment with sensitive electronic components and assemblies, the Mountz ESD screwdriver adheres strictly to IEC standards, safeguarding against electrostatic energy and ensuring the utmost protection for delicate electronics. ESD safe tool prevents electrostatic discharge and maintains a surface resistance within the range of 10? to 10? Ohms, ensuring compliance with ESD…

ESD Torque Screwdrivers

Preventing Electrostatic Discharge in Manufacturing Environments

The manufacturing landscape is a realm of intricate processes where precision and attention to detail are paramount. In this environment, the imperceptible threat of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can wreak havoc on product integrity and reliability. The article explores the significance of choosing anti-static production torque tools, delving deeper into the nuances of ESD, its potential…

Stop the Invisible ESD Menace with ESD Safe Torque Screwdrivers

ESD is a nagging invisible menace that plagues manufacturers producing microelectronics products. A lack of ESD management will deliver costly consequences that impact quality and the bottom line. Avoiding electrostatic discharge (ESD) on the manufacturing floor is an ongoing challenge for engineers. Developing procedures to control ESD and selecting ESD safe torque tools will prevent…